Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Day

Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey!(bacon) Its the morning and this is our second blog entry. Maddie and Eli were both awakened bright and early at 8:30. Eli has a basket-ball game against Mad River. If Eli wins his game he will automatically get third place.  Maddie is going to her friends Mini Metro basket-ball game then going to hang out for the rest of the afternoon. The new addiction to the Bradey Bunch is our new guinea pig and Maddie is proud to report that he was not eaten by our ten ton guinea pig Snuffles. We refer to him as Midgy Piggy as he does not have a name... yet. And it appears that Deb is the everlasting hair-tie despenser as Maddie cant keep track of hers. Deb's always hair-tye laden wrists are quite handy.


  1. I hate to reveal that I've been stealing Maddie's hair ties, which is why I seem to have them wrist-ready whenever she needs one. Sorry Mad. I'm a clepto when it comes to ties. Don't leave them lying around. I'll replenish your stock at some point...


  2. beesmokers...hmmnnn, cool name....i'm thinking of bees right about now as I look out at the snow..... wishing i'd see a few whizzing around as they do in summer sun.....but don't think i've seen a beesmoker, except on TV... I did once take a visit to a beekeeper, in Roumania, where I was "out there" to teach girls to model (but that's another story) and my hosts took me on a countryside tour where we stopped to visit a lady beekeeper who lived in a trailer.... and who gifted me a quart jar of honey, replete with bee parts floating throughout! Best honey I ever had, and I kept the thick old-fashioned glass bottle (I'm a stuff keeper)... would love to go back to that crazy country where high speed modern cars whiz by on two lane roads the farmer- and hay-filled old fashioned horse-drawn carts
